Saturday 5 May 2012

Day 2 - Nottingham

Yay for sleep! Beds were oh so comfy and welcoming after a long day of travel and climbing in trees. We started out our day at Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem the oldest Pub/Inn in England. It was built into the base of Nottingham Castle in 1182. It got its name from Crusaders that stopped on their way to the Holy Land. It was pretty damn awesome getting toat a table that once held knights in armour and potentially Robin Hood. Food was excellent as was the ginger beer.

Next we hit up Nottingham Castle which isn't the original Castle unfortunately. The original was torn down and destroyed and a new building was built on the ruins in the 1800's. We did get to see the dungeons, moat, and drawbridge from the castle as well as bits of the original wall. The dungeon was pretty neat as were the underground stairs that men at arms used to use to protect the castle. The original arrow slits could still be seen where they would train crossbows on anyone foolish enough to get too close to the Castle.

Once we'd toured the castle we headed up Maid Marion Way to see the town. We saw a full Military Band playing iutside St. Mary's Church along with soldiers from the Navy and the Army marching in WWII uniforms. It was great music and neat to see them doing fancy drills for the crowd.

We hit up Marks & Spencer for some shopping. I grabbed a black Fascinator to go with my dress for when we see Phantom of the Opera.

The day is over and I'm looking forward to seeing the Beatles Museum in Liverpool and Sherwood Forest on the way.

Cheers and goodnight :)

1 comment:

  1. CASTLE! i want a castle. bring one home for me, lol. it sounds very surreal walking in places where people have been walking for century's.
