Saturday 12 May 2012

Day 6 - Liberation Day!

May 9, 1945 was the day the Channel Islands was liberated (officially) from German Occupation. Each year they have a huge party/fair. For the last 21 years they've also had a miliary vehicle cavalcade complete with people in old uniforms. We watched the cavalcade from the sea front and thoroughly enjoyed all the pomp and cars. At one point a whole bunch of US Army trucks went by and some lady leaned over us and yelled "damn Yanks!" shaking her fist. It was rather amusing haha.

M*A*S*H* Truck!
After the cavalcade I went to my first Punch and Judy show! It was rather hilarious except for the first bit where they had all the kids scream bloody murder. Here's a sample bit of video with Judy kissing Mr. Punch.

Next we traversed the Crown Pier and Albert Pier looking at the Victorian Carousel and poking through the stalls. In one stall I dug through a box of oil coins and found a couple the gentleman next to me was very impressed at. We traded history for a bit before I left to listen to some music. A large tent was hosting old time singers and the Glenn Miller Elastic Band. They were an awesome brass band that got a lot of people up and dancing. In between acts for the brass band a lady came up and sang old war time songs. She had a lovely voice and was a great dancer.
Glenn Miller Elastic Band
Redhead in the middle is the singer
After the music was over we decided to head back to our hotel and took a different route than we had before. Lucky we did since we found a Stig! He was very drunk as was his friend dressed as a Sailor taking a piss on someone's car haha.

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