Monday 7 May 2012

Day 4 - Chocolate!

Got up really early today and left the hotel at 8:30am to get to Birmingham.  Our tour time for Cadbury World was at 11:20am and we wanted a decent amount of time to potentially get lost haha. The highay down to Birmingham was awesome with lots of space and the ability to go fast. On the way we passed by Warrington briefly, and Chris I have to agree, it did look bad. Especially compared to everything else we've seen so far.
Kickass chair in the lobby of our Liverpool Hotel

A titillating fountain!

Cadbury World was insanely busy with children running around and screaming. It was cool though because all the staff were dressed as pirates! The tour through the factory was neat and we got lots of free chocolate along the way :) We even got to watch as they hand made white chocolate shoes and piped them with dark chocolate. Simply stunning. I bought tons of assorted chocolate boxes to bring back, so hopefully that satisfies everyone's sweet tooth. I don't have too many pictures of Cadbury World as we weren't allowed to take take pictures in the cool bits.
The dark and cool South American Jungle portion of the Cadbury World tour. Apparently two cocoa beans used to get you a pumpkin, ten a rabbit, and one hundred a slave.

A posh gentleman posed outsideof the replica of the first Cadbury Store.

Dropping the car off was painless and much simpler than getting out of Manchester Airport. Our flight to Guernsey was in a tiny 50 seat Bombardier plane and only took an hour. It felt more like ten minutes and was awesome. Guernsey is beautiful. The island is lush, tropical, and best of all warm. An older lady hoisted our bags in to her car and whisked us away to Hotel de Havelet. I'm so glad we didn't drive as the roads are tiny, twisty, steep, and end suddenly. Our driver had amazing driving skills to squeeze in and out of where she went. According to her they've closed the airport for two days in honour of Liberation Day on Wednesday, and so they can widen the runway.

Our room is on the corner of the building and we have a palm tree outside one of our windows. The room is very lovely with old dark wooden furniture and a huge bath tub I plan on taking advantage of. The man at the reception desk was in Calgary for the Olympics in 88. It was kinda neat someone knew where Calgary was, and he pronounced our last name right! For dinner we went to the hotel restaurant, the Wellington Boot.  The food was scrumptiously delicious. My Mum had crab cakes, steak, and chocolate tart. I had lobster bisque, venison, and creme brulee. The deer was like nothing I've had before *drool*.

It was 9:00pm by the time we findished dinner so we came back to the room for an early night. Tomorrow we'll visit Cornet Castle, Victor Hugo's House, and hopefully do a bit of shopping.

1 comment:

  1. chocolate, i love the chocolate! to bad no pictures of the factory, but they do have to keep there secrets remember, lol. All the food your eating sounds great!
